Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Hate Goes On

Bill Maher recently ran a segment on his HBO friday night program " Real Time with Bill Maher" that was produced by film director Alexander Pelosi.  In the video segment Alexander takes the watcher on a trip to the poorest state in the union... Mississippi.  In the Video interviews of citizens who have no love for the     President Barrack H. Obama in-fact some of those interviewed in this segment  made it clear under no uncertain terms would they ever support the president even if it meant going without food.  Please Check out this Link and judge for  yourself.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

TV Christmas Memories 

It was the mid to late sixties when I remember preparing for the children's Christmas television specials that would begin airing in late November and December, oh how I could not wait to see Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer , Charlie Brown Christmas, and later Frosty the Snowman.

 It was also the era of the hour long television variety shows like Ed Sulivan, Dean Martin, Carol Burnett, and The Smothers Brothers. During the holiday season all of the variety shows would air their Christmas programs and there were reoccurring annual programs hosted by such entertainment greats as  Judy Garland,  Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, the King Family and in the seventies the Carpenters.

These special programs were so important to those of us who longed for the holiday season to began, we would sing carols and watch the likes of Frank, Dean, Burl, Bing, and a host of many others share Christmas with us, but know one stood out more then Bob Hope.

I remember thinking as a child that Bob Hopes children must find it very difficult during Christmas because he was never home for the holidays due to his commitment to share Christmas with our brave men and women who were serving in the military over sea's starting from WWII to the Gulf War he gave his all to the troops on the front line.

Every year he would travel to war torn locations to give our troops some love and appreciation for keeping our nation safe. Bob and Delores Hope sacrifice was great and it always reminded me what this Holiday was all about.

I personally want to  thank our brave men and women who willingly took up the mantel to fight for our freedom and the freedom of others whom we will never know.  On this time when our soldiers are returning home from battle in the nine year war in Iraq I would also like to say thank you to the late Bob Hope and family for reminding us that Christmas is more about caring for others more then ourselves.

God Bless You and Yours

Merry Christmas

K. Gerard Thomas


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tuskeegee vs Hollywood Norm

Most would not assume that Hollywood would "throw the baby out with the bath water" when it comes to black actors or stories, that being said it is very interesting that Hollywood has zero problem telling stories about WWII when it contains issues regarding the Holocaust, these films get funded even though they may bomb at the box office like "Sarah's Key".

In 1991 Spike Lee had to raise money to finish production on Malcolm X and now we read how George Lucas has to go into his pocket to fund his historical film. Big Momma's House, Soul Plane, Death at a Funeral, comedy only films are more then likely to get a green light (no matter how bad ) All black cast requires humor before Hollywood will take them seriously even popular films like "Precious" needed pull and funding by Tyler Perry and Oprah.

Period films always have their own hurdles with the public, but when most of the cast is African American there has to be some savvy marketing to capture the attention of a multigenerational audience.
At an event the Congressional Black Caucus put together to honor the Tuskegee Airmen and to promote George Lucas’s new movie about them, Red Tails, the movie’s stars, Terrence Howard and Cuba Gooding, Jr., had some pointed things to say about the way Hollywood approaches black actors and directors. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

2011 Emmy Awards Ah Yeah Fun ( Not )

Ok so the 2011 Prime time (Yawn) Emmys have arrived and the funniest things happened before the show.  The Red Carpet interviews took place on both local Los Angeles channels KTLA 5 and FOX KTTV 11, which is the host channel.

The KTLA 5 Pre Emmy Awards show hosted by Sam Rubin a well respected entertainment writer and critic and Jessica Holmes an attractive female meteorologist (weather girl) was a lesson in awkward interviews of stars and events of which the interviewer (Holmes) was not prepared for.      


I have always wondered if a person is hired to a television studio as a weather girl or (meteorologist) why do the producers think she would be a good candidate to interview movie or television stars? 

Oh I get it        

She is Young, Pretty, and Witty and that’s all it takes.

First Blunder  (I noticed)

While interviewing Hawaii 5 0 and Entourage star Scott Caan (son of famous actor James “The Godfather” Caan) our weather girl made a insulting comment to Keri Washington an actress who was being interviewed at the same time. While interviewing both Washington and Cann she stated that Keri could play a role on “Entourage” Keri going along with the idea say’s she could play a vixen type character.  Then our weather girl makes a comment about Washington being on the program by just giving her a background scene.  Keri Washington a well renowned actress said “ Background. You obviously are not my agent”    

Holmes did not do any homework to prepare for the interviews she may encounter. Holmes not aware that the program Entourage ended last week asked a question about the final show as if it was still going to happen. Cann asked Holmes if she knew the program ended last week.  She said she did not know that the series finally took place causing her and Sam to look like novices and causing her to jokingly walk away in shame. 


Lesson 1.  Not all pretty girls can be journalist, stick to what you know.   

KTTV 11 Host Were from Jolly Old’ England both very attractive but it was pretty clear they were limited in their knowledge regarding the television and film stars they were interviewing.


Why does Hollywood assume that looks trumps knowledge and expertise of the industry they are supposed to represent?  

WTH is  Down Town Abby 

Never Saw it ( My Bad ) 

The Hollywood Minority

 Circa 1990 Edward Scissorhands Premiere Fox Studio's  


I would like to personally welcome you to a brand new blog, I hope will entertain as well as inform my readers about the ins and outs in entertainment pop culture. 

I am a self described societal non conformist, who can appreciate different factions of entertainment and pop culture while, also, calling out those questionable factions that require higher examination. 

The Hollywood Minority is a reference to those whose ideas and opinions are not in the large majority of average ideological thinking within the pop culture main stream.  

The opinion of our readers matter and those idea's and opinions will play a role in the stories and editorials that will be covered by Hollywood Minority.  

Lets Have Fun and Keep It Real.

K. Gerard Thomas